Department of Social Services

About Us

The Social Work Department of our faculty was established on December 14, 2012 and started to accept undergraduate level students in the 2014-2015 academic year. The department consists of two signature research areas: "Individual and Society Problems" and "Social Development and Social Policy".

In the age we live in, the change and transformation in the social, economic and cultural fields all over the world has led to the emergence of problems that threaten both individual and social life. Social work is an important discipline that will contribute to the realization of universal values ​​such as equity, peace, equality of opportunity, fair income distribution and social justice for the solution of these problems.

The global definition of the social work profession is as follows: “Social work; It is a practice-based professional and academic discipline that promotes social change and development, social integration, empowerment and emancipation of people. Social work centers on the principles of social justice, human rights, shared responsibility and respect for differences. Backed by social work theories, humanities, social sciences, and local knowledge, social work works with people and structures to tackle life challenges and promote well-being. This definition of social work can be developed at the national and/or regional levels.” (IFSW and IASSW General Assembly, 2014)

Social Work Department has an interdisciplinary field of study in interaction with other social sciences. The curriculum of the department includes theoretical and applied courses. The education curriculum is prepared to cover the basic education curriculum determined by the International Social Work Schools and the current problems of the country. During the four-year education period, students; Along with basic social science courses such as sociology, psychology, economics and law, they take vocational courses related to social work such as social work, social welfare services, social problems, social work with individuals, families, groups and society, social policy and planning.

The purpose of the Social Work Department; is to train professional staff who give priority to people and society, recognize the society in which they live, have a sense of responsibility, have the capacity to apply professional knowledge and skills, and can keep up with the requirements of the age, regardless of race, language, religion and gender at the universal level.

The work area of ​​the Social Work Department is focused on social change, development and harmony, especially the empowerment and liberation of people. Social service; It is an applied practice that puts people at the center, communicates directly with human(s) and provides services to all segments of society, working with scientific methods, for purposes such as protecting human rights, preventing or solving the problems of individuals, families and groups, meeting all kinds of material and non-material needs. is a profession. It works with units and systems in every dimension (micro-mezzo-macro) that affects the individual, starting from the focus of "individual in his environment". It provides services in areas existing within the social structure such as youth, disability, old age, guilt, addiction, crisis/trauma situations, neglect and abuse, gender, migration, poverty, social welfare and development.

Students who graduate from the department work in the following institutions and organizations, especially the Ministry of Family and Social Services:
- Social service centers serving under the Ministry of Family and Social Services,
- In the field of child welfare; children's homes, kindergartens and day care centers, adoption, foster family services,
- In the field of family welfare; women's shelters, family counseling centers,
- In the field of youth welfare; higher education dormitories, youth centers,
- In the field of health; hospitals, community mental health centers, medical social service units,
- In the judicial field; probation, prisons, police departments, family and juvenile courts,
- In the field of disability welfare; Disabled life units in disabled care and rehabilitation centers, universities,
- In the field of elderly welfare; nursing homes, day life centers,
- In the field of poverty; Red Crescent, social assistance and solidarity foundations,
- In the organizational field; factories, human resources, associations and foundations,
- In the field of migration; foundations and associations working on asylum seekers and refugees