Department of Transport and Logistics Management

About Us

Logistics Management Department was established on 28.01.2013. The Logistics Management Department aims to educate individuals who have the advanced level of knowledge they may need in every field of logistics activities, who can understand and analyze logistics problems and create solutions. In addition, it aims to provide graduates who have sufficient knowledge on basic issues such as stock, storage, transportation, purchasing, customs, insurance, supply chain, who know and can use the necessary computer programs to make this knowledge effective, who can learn logistics and develop themselves throughout life.
The purpose of the Logistics Management Department is; to educate "logistics experts" who can provide service/research in all fields related to logistics, supply chain and transportation, both nationally and internationally. These experts are equipped with knowledge, skills and attitudes, have the ability to make quick decisions, have the ability to think critically, are aware of global changes, have adopted ethical values and comprehend the importance of lifelong learning.
Some of the working areas of the Logistics Management Department are; Supply of raw materials, transportation, storage, packaging, labeling of the produced product, customs clearance, presentation to the consumer, transactions related to returns and waste, selection of warehouse location, realization of shelf arrangement, transportation, selection of transportation mode, determination of suitable vehicles, cost calculation, supply management of processes. Carrying out all these operations in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner by making effective use of technology, fulfilling legal obligations and having the desired goods/services ready at the desired time and specifications are also areas of interest of logistics.