Department of Aircraft Engineering

Composite and Structure Laboratory


1.Objective of Laboratory

To make scientific and technological applications for the research and development of aircraft and space building elements, to perform the production and structural testing processes of composite structures.

2. Mission of Laboratory

To conduct experimental studies with composite structures, to publish on national and international level with the aim of transferring them to scientific development and advanced technology applications. In addition, to create an experimental work environment for students in the faculty to transform their theoretical knowledge into practice.

3. Research Applications

Production, structural design and mechanical properties of new generation composite materials to investigate and develop Aircraft and Space Technologies.

4. Facilities

The Composite Construction Laboratory has a Universal tensile-compression-bending device and a weight-reducing device used for mechanical testing of tensile, compression and bending tests of metals, ceramics and composite materials used in aerospace technologies.

5. Experiments

Determination of mechanical properties of composite, metal and ceramic materials using Universal tensile-compression-bending device.


  • Tests
  • Tensile Test
  • Compression Test
  • Bending Test

6. Laboratovary Devices

  • Universal  Tensile-Compression Device
  • Impact Test Device

Figure 1.Universal Tensile-Compression Device (This device is used with NEU Mechanical Engineering Department)

Figure 2. Impact Test Device