Erasmus Coordinator

Document Pool for Studies Mobility

Studies Mobility Outgoing Student Document Pool

Documents Required to Apply for Outgoing Student Learning Mobility:
  • Completing the Online Application Form
  • Language proficiency certificate
  • Wet signed transcript from student affairs
  • Student certificate
  • CV in Europass format
  • Other supplementary documents. (Martyr/veteran relatives, disability status)

Before Mobility;
1. Learning Agreement - Course Exchange Form (Click to download Learning Agreement.)
  • This document is the learning agreement between the student, the sending institution, and the receiving institution, which includes the student's information and the details of the learning mobility to be carried out. The "Before the Mobility" part of the document must be filled in before the student starts mobility.
  • Click here to access the subject area code.
2. Before the student leaves, he/she must fill out the petition for departmental permission and have it signed by the department. (Click to download the outgoing student departmental permission petition.)
3. If the student needs to change course, he/she must fill in the course change permission document and have it signed by the department. (Click to download the outgoing student course change department permission petition.)
4.The grade conversion document must be filled and signed by the department coordinator. (Click to access the sample note conversion document.)
5.Grant agreement (Click to access the tuition grant agreement.)
6. Passbook petition (Click for passbook petition)
7. Document for Covenant (Click for Letter of Undertaking)

During Mobility;
1. Learning Agreement (The During Mobility section should be prepared if deemed necessary.)

After Mobility;
1. After Mobility part of the Learning Agreement should be filled in or the Transcript of Records must be provided by the host university. (The After Mobility section should be prepared if deemed necessary.)
2. Online Linguistic Support 
3. Copy of the passport's entry-exit pages
4. Departmental approval form for returning student (Click to access the approval form before returning.)
5. Certificate of Participation (Click to download the certificate of participation.)

If the student wants to waive his/her right to participation, he/she must fill in the waiver petition. (Click to access the waiver petition.)

Studies Mobility Incoming Student Document Pool

Nominated students must send the following documents to our Erasmus Office via email within 20 days after nomination:
1. Application Form 
2. Learning Agreement (Before Mobility Part)
  • Click to access course pools of the faculties
3. Copy of the Passport's ID page
4. Proof of Health Insurance (can be provided within 30 days after arrival)
5. Student Certificate at Home University
6. Photograph (passport size)

After mobility, students must bring the Learning Agreement (the final version), the student ID given during enrollment, and the Dismissal Document approved by any of our university's libraries to the Erasmus Office.